Laser Trainer
This is a training game that will teach you to avoid laser rays. A training ball that is floating around will shoot you in order to test your reflexes.
This is also a technical demo demonstrating for first time some baking visual techniques specific for virtual reality on a cell phone.
Graphically impressive, you will be located in a high poly and complex lighting environment. You will perceive parallax due lateral head movements increasing the presence feeling and avoiding motion sickness.
You will also observe dynamic lighting changes, with lights that will switch on and off in the scenario.
This game has very low system requirements and performs well on mobiles due to the stereoscopic techniques developed specifically for it.

The gameplay is very simple. A ball will float around you, and it will shoot you a laser ray; you will avoid it by moving your head to the right or to the left.

Technical Features
Highly Realistic Graphics
This game uses high poly geometries, heavy textures and complex illumination as you can see in the following screenshots. But the baking techniques used allow even more complex scenarios.

Dynamic Lighting
Also, several lights will switch on and off giving a more realistic and immersive feeling to the whole experience. In these screenshots, you can see the effects of one of those lights.

The game will allow a horizontal parallax due horizontal movement avoiding motion sickness and also providing a better presence feeling. Here are some examples of this horizontal parallax.

Developed in collaboration with with Diego Bezares (diego@mistralsocialgames.com): http://mistralsocialgames.com/